In the Names of Allah, Peace to All!
Therefore, let us delve into one formula for increasing our gifts of understanding, thru practicing the virtue of BENEVOLENCE.
“1. The gifts of the understanding are the treasures of Allah; and He appointeth to every one his portion, in what measure seemeth good unto Himself.”
This verse is often misinterpreted to mean that our “portion” of understanding from Allah is fixed, and we have no power to increase our “portion”. On the contrary, our appointment of understanding is actually fluid… i.e., the law of Allah is always adjusting our “portion” of understanding consistent with what our higher self has gained, or, by what our lower self has earned!
So how do we unlock the treasures of Allah’s understanding? One secret is practicing the virtue of benevolence. Let us explore…
In the Quran, Allah explains that he makes adjustments to our “portion” of understanding. But how?
(6:46) “Say: What is your opinion [portion]… if Allah were to take away your hearing and your sight and seal your hearts, then is there a God besides Allah who could restore it for you? Observe how We explain the verses to them, yet they turn away!”
Our Prophet Noble Drew Ali unfolds meaning for the above verse in his letter “To the Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America”, where he explains:
“…and that is why many hearts have been turned to stone [i.e., “sealed”] and many have eyes to see, but cannot see, ears to hear but cannot hear — least they would be confounded of their sins.”
Now, our fleshy eyes and ears are merely the pipelines that send our heart (soul) messages about the reality we encounter, and the conditions we experience… But can we really “understand” anything without them? So the Prophet is confirming that sin depletes our ability to see and hear, which ultimately depletes our heart’s ability understand the truth of what we hear or see.
Koran Chapt. 38:3 (Soul of Man) confirms that: Thinking, Understanding, Reasoning, and Willing are the (4) ACTIONS of the soul!
Koran Chapt. 37:1 (Breath of Heaven) informs us to: “Vaunt not thy body; because it was first formed; nor of thy brain, because therein thy soul resideth.”
Taken altogether, we have confirmation that the true heart (qalb) of man/woman, is actually their SOUL, which resides in the brain.
How can we unlock the treasure of Allah’s understanding?…
In Koran Chapter 23 (Instructions For Thy Children), we are instructed:
“12. …teach him BENEVOLENCE, and his MIND shall be EXALTED.”
“An act of kindness; good done; or charity given” [Websters 1828 Dictionary].
Now we have one formula to loosen the keys which unlock Allah’s treasure… Which are “The Gifts of The Understanding”. So, let us PRACTICE!
And Remember!
Koran Chapter 32:1 (Charity) – Happy is the man who hath sown in his breast the seeds of benevolence: the produce thereof shall be charity and love.