Oakland, CA │Moorish Mission #23 (INACTIVE-RESTRICTED)

Branch Temple #23

Acting Grand Sheik: Bro R. Duncan El, Adept [REMOVED FROM OFFICE AS OF 9/19/2022]
Business Manager/Treasurer: Bro F. Robinson Bey, Adept [REMOVED FROM OFFICE AS OF 9/19/2022]
Public Relations: Bro. F. Harper El, Adept[REMOVED FROM OFFICE AS OF 9/19/2022]
Bro. T. Mitchell El, Adept[REMOVED FROM OFFICE AS OF 9/19/2022]
Bro. J. Malik El, Adept[REMOVED FROM OFFICE AS OF 9/19/2022]
Secretary: Sis. C. Graves Bey[REMOVED FROM OFFICE AS OF 9/19/2022]


  • Local Dues: $10
  • Per Capita Tax: $5
  • Emergency Fund: $2
  • Uplifting Fund: As much as you are able

*Monthly assessments are required for all members, if you are working


Enter Amount You Wish to Pay or Donate

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Donation Total: $1.00

Want to setup reoccurring payment of your monthly dues and taxes?
Use this button below!


Service Times
Sunday Koran School 12:00 - 2:00 PM
Friday Holy Day Service 7:00 - 9:00 PM
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