The Divine Constitution and By-Laws of the Moorish Science Temple of America is the highest governing law of the organization. Purchasers will receive a copy sealed with the corporate seal of the MSTA.
It is “Divine” because it represents a Covenant between Allah, his Prophet, and the Members of the Moorish Science Temple of America. The success and failures of our organization can be directly tied to – and gauged – by the officials and members adherence to it. Do not take it lightly!
In an article of the Moorish Guide Newspaper entitled, “Prophet Announces his Authority and Power”, Noble Drew Ali said the following:
All authority and power of the Moorish Science Temple of America is vested in the Prophet Noble Drew Ali and those whom he appoints to act as in the Supreme Body… All officers and members of the Moorish Science Temple of America and such rules and regulations of the constitution shall be in writing and not at variance with any law of the city, town or nation which the prophet shall declare a law…”
Our Divine Constitution can (and should) be used as a tool to measure the progress of our organization, as well as to interpret the original doctrine and laws handed down by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Every member should have a copy. Use it to gain keen insight into the pure teachings, and hold your leadership accountable!